After a somewhat eventful night, the team set off from Munlochy and were immediately faced by a nice climb to warm up…oh the joys of the Scottish highlands!

However the view of the Cromarty Firth and Bridge were worth the climb and it was here that we saw our first (road) sign showing John O’Groats! Not far now!​​​​​​​

A short blast on the A9 (team time trial mode engaged) followed before kicking up and over the moors to Bonar Bridge. This section was a wee bit chillier so after the team had the customary bacon rolls for the morning stop, we thought it wise to grab our arm warmers and gilets. They didn’t last long! Pushing on to Lairg the cloud cleared and all warm gear was quickly relegated to back pockets again! There was some beautiful scenery to see along this route including an old suspension bridge, a salmon leap heading up the Falls of Shin and folk sailing on a reservoir in the gorgeous weather.

Our planned lunch stop was at Altnaharra Hotel which we made in good time…only to be informed they don’t do lunches, contrary to their sign and website. No matter we thought, we have plenty with us for a picnic we got set out in record time. Cue midges. Lots of midges! So lunch was a bit of a flop, but one good thing did come of it: it was the speediest we’ve ever seen Kenny move so might just bottle some midges for future use!

Heading onwards along Loch Naver we had flashbacks of Lands End, with a tasty headwind slowing progress. Good practice for tomorrow along the North coast! This wind did however give us a chance to have picnic attempt #2 (no midges this time) with a quick stop for a drink and a cake.

We rolled into the beautiful sights of Bettyhill about 4pm and saw our first North Coast 500 sign just outside our hotel. Last full day done! “Just” a mere 50 miles to John O’Groat tomorrow and our adventure is complete!